
relax... and read my meditation blog

Delving in to meditation


Week 1

Getting out of the sluggish rituals of summer (an extremely long one this year I might add), and getting back into the routine of school was challenging the past week. I found it to be especially difficult with online classes to become motivated and effective once again with time management, as I am somewhat useless when it comes to navigating the online world. However, this helped with my decision to make meditation the topic of my free-inquiry project. I think it is extremely necessary and useful to implement time to silence your mind throughout everyday stress, and take time to reflect on the little things. I am excited to dive deeper into this course and learn more about how to use online tools to my advantage. I look forward to building connections, and showing the world a bit more about who I am!


This week has been pretty stressful for me. Having to balance a massive workload, a part-time job, as well as preparing to move in less than a week has been a lot on my plate. This is why I am excited to share how beginning to meditate has really allowed me to calm down and take some time for myself to breathe and relax. A few days ago I attended a “de-stress” yoga class at UVic, led by my best friend. At the beginning of class, we took five minutes to lay down, close our eyes, and clear our minds of any entering thoughts. After this exercise in meditation, my mind felt more clear, and I was able to prioritize everything a bit easier. I plan on attending this yoga class every week to force myself to take time for myself in a very busy life where I sometimes don’t put myself as a priority.

As well as taking time to meditate, I found a used book at a coffee shop called “Luminous Emptiness”, which so far has been a great read on meditation, spirituality, and how clearing your head every once in a while can really enhance your quality of life!

I will continue to incorporate meditation and relaxation into my life, and hopefully see some level of improvement with stress levels and everyday workloads 🙂

Week 3

I have gotten into the routine now of daily meditation. I am finding it very beneficial for my mental health. Every morning I wake up twenty minutes earlier than I usually do. I make a cup of coffee and sit out on my roof and simply relax with no distractions (music, thoughts about school, work or social life, texting…) and try to focus on “nothing” for 15-20 minutes. This allows me a fresh start every day to relax and take time for myself before entering into a busy work schedule. I have found this method in the morning helps wake me up, and before bed helps me have a longer, and deeper sleep.

Tonight, I plan on watching a documentary called “becoming nobody” (which actually popped up as an ad on my instagram which is kind of creepy because it probably knows and records data about this blog…). This film is about forgetting who you are, letting go of stress, and being able to enjoy life to the fullest using meditation techniques. For my next blog, I will discuss what I found relevant in this film, and by nect week will hopefully know a bit more about meditation and what it can do for you.

watch the trailer!

week 4

This morning I can’t lie I was very stressed out! I moved the past week, and between juggling that, a part-time job, and a pile of homework, I felt I really needed a moment to step back and relax, focus my attention on my breathing and be mindful of my priorities instead of scrambling, and trying to think about everything at once.

By incorporating meditation into my everyday routine, I have found that it’s much easier to complete tasks after settling your breath and taking a moment to reflect on what needs to be focused on.

I found this Youtube video (which I’ve attached above) which I found helped me to take a step back, close my eyes, and follow a guided meditation. I found It was easier to keep my mind on one thing when there was someone’s voice in the background, reminding me to focus, and breathe.

sleep is also a very important part of balancing stress and being able to focus. By putting aside my phone and laptop at least an hour before I go to sleep, I notice I will fall asleep faster, wake up more rested, and be able to conquer the day more easily.

With Thanksgiving coming up, I am happy I can give myself a bit of a break from everyday stressors and relax with my family, hopefully being able to meditate more often (as well as catch up on work). It is all about balancing parts of life equally and still taking time to enjoy yourself!


Week 5

 I have been exploring the benefits of meditation besides simply clearing your head. I wanted to figure out the other ways in which meditation can help and affect your health overall.
I found an article that listed some things I didn’t even consider before this week! One thing I kept in mind after reading this article was the fact that it helps lengthen your attention span. I found this to be true! By fitting in some time before you start a big project or task, it becomes much easier to tackle and remain focused for longer periods of time. I believe this is due to the fact that most people’s stress levels become heightened before going to work, and often the mind tries to balance thinking about multiple tasks that need to get done, instead of just the one thing you should be focussing on in the moment. 
Another benefit that the article listed was just the simple fact of meditation “generating kindness”. I think this is so important for people to consider during everyday life, especially if you are stressed out, and may not notice that you are projecting negative energy, not only into your own space but into other’s as well. By taking a moment to reflect, one might notice that their attitude is affecting them in a negative fashion, and most likely just making the situation worse.
The last note I took from this article was on how meditation has been found to improve sleep! (Which I’m quite sure is something everyone reading this values in their lives). The article states “becoming skilled in meditation may help you control or redirect the racing or “runaway” thoughts that often lead to insomnia” which makes a lot of sense when you think about it!
After this week’s explorations, I am even more motivated to continue on with my new-found practice of meditation and relaxation!

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