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learning ukulele part 2.

Blog 1

I am quite happy with the progress I have made with the ukulele since the beginning of the term. For my third piece, I will be learning “10 in the bed” in chord F. I am excited to get started on this, learning a new chord, and strumming pattern. After reading the feedback on my midterm video I am going to make sure I have an appropriate strumming pattern this time, as well as making sure I am getting the entire ukulele in the video shot. I am also going to be conscientious about where I am placing my fingers (making sure I am using the right one when I play the chords). I am also going to make sure the ukulele is completely tuned for the best sound possible! I have found this video which helped me to learn and practice my F chord.


blog 2

I have now appropriately learned the F chord on the ukulele and feel confident in performing my song “10 in the bed”. I have decided that for my strumming pattern, I will be playing “down, down, down, up” (and repeat).

I am finding it a bit difficult to follow my routine of practicing every day for half an hour, because of all the other assignments and final projects we are handing in. However, I am feeling like the ukulele is giving me a “fun” break from more difficult or time-consuming homework that has to be done. This is something we have mentioned a lot when talking about incorporating music into the elementary classroom. It is such a good way to take a pause from the math or whatever it may be, and listen to the beautiful music you have created.

blog 3

After practicing “10 in the bed” several times, I have decided to change my strumming pattern to “up-down, up-down”, as I find it just suits the song better and has a better sound when played that way. I can confidently say now that I know how to play the F chord (and really like the sound of it!). I will continue to practice this song, as well as add words to it when I am ready. Then, when I am happy with my performance, I will record myself playing and upload my final video!

This term has been so fun and exciting, learning a new instrument and creating brand new sounds. I have really enjoyed learning the different chords on the ukulele and will definitely continue to practice after this course is over, and hopefully into my career. I think it is such a great thing to bring instruments into the classroom, for fun as well as learning purposes. I cant imagine my students not enjoying this artform as much as I do!

brown ukulele








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